welcome to la bessayrie
La Bessayrie offers guest stays among an abundance of untouched nature. Your destination to recharge and unwind, to disconnect and connect. We like to keep it simple: good for the taste buds, great for the soul.
A scenic drive deep into the UNESCO World Heritage-listed wilds in the South of France is only the start of your journey
of rest. Near the charming town of Conques and perched on the banks of the Dourdou river, La Bessayrie pops up in the foothills of the Conques valley, a jaw-dropping scenery of rolling landscapes, hidden valleys, and lush farmland.
The historic property features three intimate private guest stays, a sleeping facility for pilgrims of the Route de Compostela, and La Cuisine. All were created with an eye toward embracing and harnessing nature’s beauty and welcoming your warm company.
La Cuisine is the heart of la Bessayrie, a get-together place with delicious bites for guests. Chef and owner Steven is passionate about using hand-harvested products, grown on and around the site and transforms them into classic dishes with expert technique. A visit to La Cuisine promises a heartwarming, ever-changing menu filled with a fresh, flavoursome fare. While Steven masters La Cuisine, co-owner, and spouse Mira sets the scene and guarantees your stay is fit for a fairy tale. With sheer love, she welcomes your warm company and puts you at ease as soon as you set foot on the promised land.
The ambience of La Bessayrie is hard to put into words. You’re in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by pristine nature, bonded by your experience of this magical place.